Timelines of Early Englewood Area History
Når jeg var på biblioteket forleden dag fant jeg en liten unnselig folder som ropte litt på meg. Det var en liten «Tidslinje – Englewoods tidlige historie» eller «Timelines of Early Englewood Area History» som den selvsagt egentlig heter. Denne er satt sammen til den første Englewood History Week i 2003, av Pat Lewis. Han var leder for «Reference Services» på Elsie Quirk biblioteket i Englewood.
When I was at the library the other day, I found saw this little paper, screaming at me: «take me home take me home». It was «Timelines of Early Englewood Area History» compiled by Pat Lewis, Head Reference Services in the Elsie Quirk Library. It was made in celebration of the first Annual Englewood History Week in 2003.
Englewood: The first 100 years – (Newton Studios, 1996)
Florida’s Hurricane History, Jay Barnes (University of North Carolina Press. Chapel Hill 1998)
History of Early Englewood from the Newspaper Columns of Josephine Cortes
Newspaper articles from the Englewood Sun and the Englewood Herald (included in the collection of the EQL)