For my Florida-friends…
Ok, I feel sorry for you, the weather is not nice. But then, I know you don’t have this!! This red thing under the white stuff is my car sunday morning!
It is still snowing, actually it is a storm out there! Looks pretty but…. totally uninteresting!
Looking forward to see you all in March! Stay warm!
3 thoughts on “For my Florida-friends…”
BRRRRRRR…og dit skal vi i dag…
BRRR is right! I am in freezing NY where there is a lot of snow. I bundle up in my wool coat and shiver all the way to the car. I haven’t amde a snowball yet, but will and get mt brother to take a picture.
Pröv å kjöre rullestol i den sneen der, el her kommer ikke til postboksen en gang